Why take advice?
The landlord will undoubtedly have the benefit of an experienced agent's advice to let or sell the building, so why shouldn't the occupier have the same advantage in acquiring it?
The fact is, most occupiers do, as they see the benefits of seeking professional advice, resulting in a cost saving to their business. To achieve a fair "market" result, both sides should be independently represented without any conflicts, a fact that some of the larger real estate consultancies openly ignore.
Why do you need to use an agent?
- In a typical year approximately 12 million sq ft of offices are marketed across Central London, by over 100 different firms of agents. Without specialist help, can you be sure that you have properly covered the market?
- Occupational property leases are highly complex and your obligations could last for years.
- Can you be sure that you have properly considered what your costs will be?
- Rents, capital values and market incentives are constantly changing. Are you being offered what is currently the market norm?
- Seeking and identifying property can be very time consuming.
- Property is the second biggest overhead in business after staff costs. If there is an opportunity to save on property costs, why not take full advantage?
- Timing is crucial, so plan well ahead. Prepare for lease events like break options and/or lease expiries, which present both an opportunity and a threat.
We aim to do all the hard work on your behalf, by breaking down the acquisition process into the 5 key stages.
Click here to download a .pdf version of our step by step acquisition guide.
Click here to download a .pdf version of our ingoing tenants check list.
To view some of our acquisitions visit our signature deals page.