Tools & Useful Info
- The acquisition process: Click here to download our useful 2 page document that spells out in detail the five key stages of acquiring commercial office space.
- Ingoing tenants check list:
- How close to the building is the nearest transport hub?
- How many lifts does the building have? A goods lift?
- What is the building's BREEAM rating?
- Is there a backup generator?
These and 39 other critical questions are listed on our invaluable checklist. Click here to download the list that will ensure that you have asked every conceivable question of the space that you are proposing to take.
- Common property phrases: For those getting involved with property for the first time, cut through all the jargon and click here to read our quick guide to property phrases and what they mean in plain English.
- Commercial property use classes: The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) places uses of land and buildings into various categories called "Use Classes". Understanding the user class for the type of business you are and how you work within your space is fundamental. Click here to read our concise guide, which will help you understand which class is correct for your business.
- Want to go green? Taking just a few small steps will enable you to reduce your company's carbon footprint, making your office a more environmentally friendly and productive place in which to work. Just a few changes, could make a big difference - and before too long it could be compulsory anyway!! Click here to learn more.